축산학과(Department of Animal Resources and Biotechnology)
학수 구분 | 과목명(영문) | 학점-강의-실습 |
전공 | 가금영양학특론((Progress in Poultry Nutrition) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가축번식장해연구(Topics in Reproductive Disorder) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가축번식학특론(Advanced Animal Reproduction) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가축영양학실험법(Experimental Technology of Animal Nutrition) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가축영양학특론(Progress in Animal Nutrition) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가축육종학특론(Advanced Animal Breeding) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가축인공수정학특론(Advanced Artificial Insemination of Animal) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 단백질대사론(Protein Metabolism) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물유전학특론(Advanced Animal Genetics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 면역번식학(Immune Reproduction) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 사료가공학특론((Progress in Feed Processing Method) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 산란영양생리(Nutritional Physiology in Egg Production) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 생물통계학특론(Animal Biological Statistics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 양적유전학(Quantitative Genetics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 에너지대사론(Energy Metabolism) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 응용생물화학(Applied Biochemistry) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 조사료저장이용론(Forage Conservation and Feeding) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 집단유전학연구(Advanced Population Genetics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 체내대사조절론(Regulation of Metabolism) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가금육종학(Poultry Breeding) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 근생리학(Physiology of Muscle) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 근화학(Muscle Chemistry) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 낙농학특론(Progress in Dairy Science) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물생리학특론(Advanced Animal Physiology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 분자및세포생리학(Molecular and Cellular Physiology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 수정생리학연구(Topics in Fertilization) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 식육가공학특론(Advanced Meat Processing) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 식육학특론(Advanced Meat Science) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 식품냉동론(Topics of Food Freezing) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 식품물성학(Fooding Rheology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 실험생물화학(Experimental Biochemistry) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 실험통계학연구(Topics in Experimental Research) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 유가공학특론(Advanced Daily Technology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 유화학(Milk Chemistry) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 육우학특론(Progress in Beef Cattle Science) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 응용생물공학(Applied Biotechnology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 응용생물화학연구(Topics in Applied Biochemistry) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 응용유전공학(Applied Genetic Engineering) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 축산물가공시설론(Machines and Plants for Animal Products Technology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 축산물가공학실험 1(Lab of Animal products Technology 1) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 축산물저장론(Animal Products preservation) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 축산자료분석론(Data Processing of Animal Research) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물산업환경학특론(Advanced Industry Animal and Environment) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 축산폐기물관리론(Animal Waste Management) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 바이오에너지생산학특론(Progressing Bioenergy) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 말행동학(Principles of Equine behavior) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 양돈학특론(Advanced Swine Science) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 한우학특론(Topic In Korean Beef Cattle) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 한우개량연구(Korean Beef Cattle Breeding) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 분자영양생리학(Molecular Nutrition Physiology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 단백질체학(Proteomics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 경제동물생리학특론(Advanced Domestic Animal Physiology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가금사양학특론(Advanced Poultry Feed and Feeding) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물발생학(Animal Development) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물후생유전학(Animal Epigenetics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물세포배양실험법(Experimental Technology of Animal Cell Culture) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물복지학특론(Animal Wellfare) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 가금면역학특론(Avian Immunology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 근육생물학특론(Advanced Muscle Biology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물발생및줄기세포특론(Advanced Animal development and Stem Cells) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 비타민·무기물영양학(Vitamin·Mineral Nutrition) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 반추위미생물특론(Advanced Rumen Microbiology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 사료첨가제개발특론(Development Feed Supplements) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 발효식품학특론(Advanced Dairy Fermented Food) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물미생물학특론 (Advanced Animal Microbiology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 프로바이오틱스특론(Advanced Probiotics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 식품안전위생학특론(Advanced Food Safety and Hygiene) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물유전체학특론(Advanced Animal Genomics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 분자유전학(Molecular Genetics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 축산식품가공학특론(Advanced Animal Originated Food) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 대학원세미나(Graduate School Seminar) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물유전정보학특론(Advanced Animal Genomics and Bioinformatics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 분자유전학특론(Advanced Molecular Genetics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 분자육종학특론(Advanced Animal Molecular Breeding) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 기능유전체학특론(Advanced Functional Genomics) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 동물생명공학특론(Advanced Animal Biotechnology) | 3-3-0 |
전공 | 대사체학특론(Advanced Metabolomics) | 3-3-0 |